If one were to look back over the weather the past couple of days, you might be excused for thinking that autumn has already begun.

That’ll be coming up next Saturday, September 23, 2023 for the official beginning of the season, but mother nature determined to give Polk County a preview of what might be in store for the season ahead. Or it could all be a horrible tease.

Temperatures remained cool throughout the majority of Saturday as it rained on and off to start the weekend, and after morning fog the forecast is looking like sunshine and low 80s for the day.

In fact, that’s the forecast for the days ahead: sun, temperatures hovering around the low 80s during the day and dropping down to the upper 50s overnight per the National Weather Service meteorologists in Peachtree City. Literally copy and paste that forecast through next Saturday, the official start of fall 2023.

Not exactly fall foliage just yet, but some leaves are beginning their autumn turn before they drop heading into the cold months.

It should go with some notice that A MINOR amount of leaves have already begun to show yellow in their colors as the northern hemisphere turns cooler toward the winter months. Peak fall colors (per the Farmers Almanac) are expected between mid October and the first week of November.

Those who want to keep track of when to expect the most scenic spots for autumn foliage photo opportunities should check out the Georgia State Parks Leaf Watch site.

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