It’s Valentines Day! Being the day we all hope we’re struck with cupid’s arrow or are reminded of all those who we care about, it is the perfect time to share that love!

Our first-ever Love Notes feature got some additional attention and submissions on Monday ahead of the start of the holiday, so check out these notes provided by readers like you.

Oh, and of course: We wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day, whether you get to spend it with a loved one or are enjoying life by yourself. No matter who you are, there is someone out there who at least appreciates you and knows that you exist.

Here’s the second batch of Love Notes from 2023:

From Jamie:

Happy Valentine’s Day to my loves!! Thomas Lexie and Terry

Sheree Beck sent in three notes:

Happy Valentine’s Day to my love my best friend my partner Clifford !! I love you so much babe !!! Love your forever girl Sheree!!

Happy Valentine’s Day to my BEAUTIFUL Moma Lisa!! I love so much! Love your favorite daughter Sheree!!


Happy Valentine’s Day to my loves!! Caleb and Christopher Keane Moma loves you both so much!!!! LOVE MOMA

From: Candice Puckett

Bailee Layne & Daxton Puckett, You two are my favorite Valentines every single day & the beat to this Mommys heart! Happy Valentines Day to the LOVES of my LifE!

Xoxo, Mommy

Christen Robinson left this note:

Dear RaeLynn and Granger, You are the best Valentines a Mimi could ever have. I love you! Oh and your parents are not to bad either.

Lol Love, Mimi

To my dear husband, Keith Smith. For almost 24 years you have made every day a happy one for me. Thank you for treating me like a Queen! I love you with all of my heart 


Happy Valentine’s day!

Missy Smith

To the man who stole my soul. I love you more than the moon loves the stars. You walked into my life and slowly all the peace fell in place. You are my rock, my comfort, my absolute everything. I can’t breathe without you. You complete me.

I am so highly blessed to have you be my children’s father. You are a wonderful Daddy to 4 little girls. We are just living in Daddy’s world. We all appreciate you more than you could ever imagine. We love you more than you know.

Happy Birthday Brent Railee Owen Morris!! Happy Valentine’s day my one and only true lover forever!! I will love you past the depth of time. I will always find you, in this life and the next,

I will ALWAYS find my way to you, my soul magnet.


Dear future husband,

Thank you for coming into my life and turning it upside down and loving me flaws and all. Here’s to many more to come. I love you.


Shannon C

Two items came in from ~Wicked Angel~:

Happy Valentines Day my love, I’m forever grateful you came into my life. I love you so much!
Forever yours,

Happy Valentine’s Day! We love y’all so much, have a great day.
05/02, 12/14, 10/06
04/26, 04/28, 09/29

Dear Shellby and Stayley,

Happy Valentines day to the two most beautiful girls I have ever had the pleasure of loving. Y’all two are the reason I’m still here and the reason I wake up in the morning.

I would be absolutely lost without my girls! So, thank you for making me the most happy husband and father in the world!


☆♡ I LOVE Y’ALL ♡☆


-Andrew Roper

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