Joshua Tillman Lee

A Cedartown man remains in jail on a pair of charges after police reported he destroyed items in his room when his truck wouldn’t start, according to Polk County Police.

Reports stated on Sunday afternoon, April 25, they arrested Joshua Tillman Lee, 36, of 61 Lee Road, Cedartown, into custody after he was reported to have gone into a rage after his truck wouldn’t start and went back inside and “began destroying items inside the room.”

They found Lee on the porch afterward, and the homeowner told police that he was “in fear of being hurt again by his violent actions.” Lee was placed under arrest and searched, found with a large folding pocket knife and a lighter in his pocket.

Lee admitted that “he went into a rage and lost control because he could not get his truck to start.” His rage included punching holes in the wall of his room, throwing glass picture frames across the room and damaging a desk.

“The room was a complete wreck with trash and dirty clothes spread everywhere along with a foul odor,” the report stated. “The rest of the house was very neat clean and organized.”

The homeowner told officers he was afraid of Lee and had hurt him in the past.

Lee was ultimately charged with disorderly conduct and criminal trespass. He remained in the Polk County Jail this morning on a $2,500 bond for the misdemeanor charges.

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