Parents have the opportunity to take part in a statewide survey as part of an effort to see how healthy our students are in Polk County in 2024.

The Georgia Student Health Survey is anonymous and being used by the state Department of Education in collaboration with other partners to get a overview of where student health priorities should be focused in the future.

Here’s the link to the survey:

It’s a survey administered annually and Polk School District is one just of the hundreds of systems across Georgia taking part by examining data provided by the survey for Grades 3 through 12. There are two different versions – one the middle and high school ages, and one for elementary.

Ultimately, the results help the PSD find a variety of issues around safety, climate and health within schools that can hurt student success in the classroom. The goal with the survey results is to turn around and take actions that will help students achieve academically and graduate high school with a diploma and a quality education.

This is just one of many surveys administered annually by educators around the state and nation to help in measuring student achievement and the variety of outside forces that can impact positive performance in the classroom.

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