Note: The story below has been updated and corrected to fix an issue caused by my own confusion over services being available at Peek’s Park in Cedartown. The only outdoor service will be happening on Good Friday. I apologize to Second Baptist Church of Cedartown for the error. – KtE

Want to participate in Easter services in-person, but worried about social distancing? Second Baptist Church of Cedartown is hosting an outdoor service coming up to help those who want to join in worship for the holiday.

A Good Friday Service is being held on Friday, April 2 at 7 p.m. in Peek’s Park.

Following that, the church is also planning a Resurrection Service on Sunday, April 4 is being held twice – once at 9 a.m., and again at 11 a.m., at Second Baptist Church as well.

All with what one would expect for Easter worship inside of a sanctuary.

Pastor Justin Carter of Second Baptist Church will be leading the Friday service, along wtih those on Sunday at the church. He requested and received permission from the City Commission during their recent session for the services to be held.

Here’s an announcement provided by the church sent into Polk.Today:

“Join us at Peek’s Park in Cedartown for a special time of worship for Good Friday as we remember the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross of Calvary. Bring your lawn chairs and join us in the amphitheater for special songs of worship and a message from the Word.

This will be a meaningful time of remembrance and gratitude as the sun sets around us.

All are welcome on Easter Sunday at Second Baptist! Both 9am and 11am services will include the full choir, praise band, and sermon. We have precautions in place to socially distance.

A nursery is also available for children up to three years old.”

Check out this Facebook video announcement from Carter about the upcoming services.

Find additional information about Second Baptist, service times and more on their Facebook page. Additional coverage about a new service being provided by the Second Baptist community will be coming up later this week.

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