A pair of Polk County Public Works employees were commended on social media for a special donation they made to one local youth in dire need of a new set of wheels.

The Facebook page for Polk County thanked Jerome Bowman and Kyle Tanner for making a special donation of a new bicycle to a Fish Creek boy whose name wasn’t shared.

Here’s the full post from their Facebook page:

We love to recognize employees when they go above and beyond their regular responsibilities on the job. Yesterday morning, two of our Public Works employees, Jerome Bowman and Kyle Tanner, observed a young man in the Fish Creek community sitting at the bus stop on his bicycle with a very worn out frame and two flat tires.

Mr. Bowman and Mr. Tanner later spoke with the young man’s grandmother and asked whether it would be okay to purchase the young man a new bicycle to get him to and from the bus stop safely. Once other Public Works employees learned of this situation, many donated their own personal funds to purchase the young man a new bicycle.

Later in the evening, once the young man arrived back home from school, Mr. Bowman and Mr. Tanner presented the new bicycle to him. He was very appreciative of this gesture and we wanted to take the time to recognize all employees involved in yesterday’s kind act of generosity. We’re so proud to have employees representing Polk County in a positive light.

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