The Rockmart City Council on Tuesday took up a resolution during their May regular session that promises to ensure that their work will always be conducted in a polite fashion.

The resolution unanimously approved and read into the record comes from a request from the Georgia Municipal Association that members all vote to take up a civility pledge and follow the guidelines when they meet in sessions.

Among the pledge’s promises made with the council’s passage of the resolution and every signature from the local board is to communicate openly and honestly with one another to establish both trust within the elected body, but also with the public at-large.

Here’s the boiled down version the GMA provided to local communities across the state to consider:

The latest resolution (see below) comes at a time when politics on all levels – local, state and federal – has taken on combative attitudes toward many differing positions between individuals serving and parties as a whole.

The hope via the resolution is to remind those serving in elected positions of their roles in governance on a local level, and avoid the division that has plagued towns and cities across the country.

Here’s the full resolution passed by the Rockmart City Council on May 14:

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