First student to go through every grade at Covenant Christian School gets diploma

A trio of local youth enjoyed a celebration of their hard work over the past 12 years as they turned tassels and now hold diplomas from Covenant Christian School.

Tyler Brown, Eli Casey and Abby Jacobo were this year’s latest group to finish their studies at CCS for the small class of 2024. They were joined by educators, family and friends during the ceremony on Thursday, May 16 at New Harmony Baptist Church.

The school – which moved last year to the church on Prior Station Road – also celebrated a milestone with this class: their first student to fully complete their education at Covenant Christian.

Abby Jacobo started more than a decade ago when the school was located at the Boys and Girls Club, and continued her studies with the school through the move to New Harmony Baptist.

Brown and Casey both joined the school during their early middle school years.

WATCH: Monthly+ Subscribers can view the whole graduation ceremony

Will Anderson, who lead student ministry at CCS, told graduates during a short address that no matter what they should hold fast to their beliefs in an ever-changing world.

“Never forget what God has started, and allow him to finish it,” he said. “The problem is with this statement, is we tend sometimes to forget all that God has done… sometimes we forget about all the good things that God has done in our lives.”

He encouraged all to remember and even write down moments where one can be thankful for their blessings and good fortune no matter what happens, because one day there will come a time when one gets discouraged and forgets their faith.

“When hard times hit, and they will hit, that you are reminded of God’s faithfulness,” Anderson said. “Do this so you can be reminded of what God started so you can allow him to finish it.”

Each of the students got to make an address as well, all praising their time at CCS. Brown recalled his first day of school at Covenant Christian as one he wouldn’t ever forget since he was able to enjoy making peach ice cream during math class.

GALLERY: Trio graduates from CCS in Class of 2024

The second day he wouldn’t forget either, since he was informed that he would have to go back to workbooks and calculations.

“Covenant has truly been a blessing, and the teachers truly cared about me and were willing to help me in any given circumstance,” Brown said. “Even though I didn’t enjoy the actual assignments, I know they had always had my best interest at heart.”

Jacobo said that many made an impact on her time as a student at CCS, but she was most thankful for the support she received from educators and fellow students alike after her grandmother passed during her freshman year.

“I never wanted to be anywhere else. CCS will always be my home…. it is going to be so hard to leave it behind,” Jacobo said.

Ceremonies held on Friday morning also honored students of other grade levels including CCS 8th graders, who celebrated their own graduation.

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