It is a story made for a Hollywood blockbuster. Or maybe it is a tale of doing the right thing, at the right time, and the conclusion coming out positive for everyone.

Fairview Avenue resident Gail Rocha is 83, gets around on a walker and says she has a big mouth that isn’t going to hide a thing. It is why she came before the Cedartown City Commission on Monday night to tell a remarkable story about how she’s here today thanks to a city employee.

Rocha made her way up to the front of the audience to explain how “a while back” a large tree in her yard was crashing down and the quick thinking of a Cedartown Water Department employee was the reason she was able to tell the tale.

She had moved her car out of the way to ensure it wasn’t smashed by any further loss of the tree toward the street, but by the time she made it back to the front yard the rest of the tree was determined to come crashing down.

“A man who works for the water company, he was over across the road and checking the water meter… but I was under the tree and they were hollering to get out from under it and I hollered back to say I was moving as fast as I can,” Rocha explained.

WATCH: Gail Rocha tells her story to Cedartown City Commission, Wells honored

That water department employee who goes around checking water meters is Randy Wells, a Meter Technician for the Cedartown Water Department. He was fast into action to help get Rocha out of the way of the remainder of the tree coming down and ensure she was safe. He even called upon first responders to ensure she was healthy after the incident.

“I’m alive today because of the water man, and because of God, and these wonderful people,” she said.

Rocha came up to City Hall to provide a positive story to employees who work the front desk, and that it how it came about that Wells was honored for his lifesaving efforts.

“Thank you baby boy, thank you.” she said while giving him a hug and a card during the meeting as the pair were reunited.

Commission Chair Jessica Payton gave Rocha the opportunity to give Wells a award on behalf of the city for going above and beyond his usual duties.

She handed it over with a smile and said “here baby boy!” and got a round of applause as the two hugged again.

Mitzi Allen, City Clerk for the City, said that when Rocha came into provide details of what happened to the front desk workers at city hall, she knew the story had to be something with the way the staff responded.

“I told myself that ‘I’ve got to prepare for what’s happening’ because they were all in tears,” Allen said.

She wasn’t entirely surprised to hear that Wells had gone above and beyond duty. As a customer-facing employee for the city in his role for the water department, Wells is daily dealing with problems that usually would come before front desk staff or water department administration. He’s been an employee with the city for more than five years, set to celebrate his sixth anniversary in October.

“Randy makes a difference every day whether we see it or not,” Allen said.

Wells was also provided a gift basket along with the award.

Rocha got in one of the last words of the evening, also thanking the city and community at large for the support.

“Thank you for these people out there working who are putting up with people like me,” she said.

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