Note: the following item was submitted by the NLJC Chapter for publication. – KtE

The National League of Junior Cotillions, Polk County Chapter, has announced its Advisory Board for the 2021-2022 season.

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Ball, Mr. & Mrs. Cody Fannin, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gravett, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Roper, Mr. & Mrs. Carson Tanner, and Mr. & Mrs. Donnie Smith.

Said Thomas J. Ruff II, director of the local Junior Cotillion, “We are delighted to have these people assisting with our Cotillion program.”

The National League of Junior Cotillions is an etiquette and social dance training program that involves thousands of students nationwide.

For information regarding the program, call (706) 936-8055.

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