Good morning folks!

I wanted to spend a brief minute to note that as social media platforms continue to evolve and increase in number, I’m always working to increase the number of opportunities to connect with readers where they are investing their time instead of relying on them to come to me.

Polk Today offers not just Facebook for finding local news. We’re on X, BlueSky, Mastodon, Threads, Reddit and of course, video is also available on YouTube. (Technically on Instagram as well, but I don’t post there as often as I should… Give me a reason, and maybe I’ll make more of an effort. 😉 )

As a reminder, you can also get updates on your phone, tablet or PC whenever a new item is posted to Polk Today by clicking the box that pops up when you visit the site asking if you want to get notifications. That is the fastest way to stay up to date with Polk Today without relying on any social media platforms to see the latest items. More than 1,000 people already receive updates in this way, so you should too!

If you use a platform that I haven’t thought of and would like to see Polk Today take part in posting news items, let me know at

One last thing: I appreciate all readers and subscribers who are enjoying the content here on Polk Today, and continue to work toward making the site better for all to enjoy. Anyone who has been on the fence about getting full access to Polk Today should take advantage of the ongoing Holiday Sale. Pricing starts at $3.99 for the first month, and $4.99 monthly after for those who want to subscribe, with discounts for longer term purchases also available through the end of the year. That includes Monthly+ subscriber-only video access, ability to post events to the site on an unlimited basis, and as many classified ads as you want too.

Hope all is well, and that you enjoy your day!


PS – Don’t forget that some weeks back I posted a “experimental” front page format I’d like to try and use in the future. Check it out here.

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