The following are the rules for submitting a Letter to the Editor for Polk.Today:
- You must sign each letter with your full name and have contact information included for me to verify that you are indeed who you say you are.
- You must keep your opinions no longer than 500 words
- You must keep your language clean. Any letter that comes with a cuss word or something that I consider that is not within community standard will be rejected.
- You are not allowed to promote your business or event via a letter to the editor, but you can utilize the space to thank volunteers following an event in a Letter to the Editor.
- Everyone has the right to voice their opinions, but they should be in the form of a civil and understandable format. If I scratch my head after I read your letter and don’t understand what you are saying, or that you are being contentious for no reason, that letter will be rejected.
- Letters will be published in the order they are received on a daily basis.
Don’t want to use this form below? That’s OK. Letters can also be submitted by e-mail to
At this time, handwritten submissions are not available. Updates will follow in the near future on that policy.