No election will be needed for March 18

The City of Aragon was close to being one of the three reasons for a special election coming up in March, but after a three-day qualifying period for candidates to enter the race only one ended up signing up for the job.

Meaning that Aragon won’t need a vote in March, and David Spaulding will soon take over the seat left open unexpectedly in December.

Spaulding, a 14-year veteran of the Bartow County Sheriff’s Office where he serves as a Deputy Sheriff, has been a resident of Aragon with his family since 2018. The husband of 36 years and father to a grown daughter and stepson is ready to step up and serve.

“I’m all about the community, I live here and I just wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to help the City of Aragon and the residents of Aragon grow, but not too much,” he said.
“I want to be involved in where I live.”

He already has some ideas of an issue he’d like to tackle with his upcoming service on the council.

“One of my goals – the Mayor and I are trying to do something that will better involve the youth of Aragon and prevent them from getting into drugs and gangs, an avenue of something to do,” Spaulding said.

His ultimate goal is to see Aragon shine.

“I want to make Aragon a good place who want to come live, shop and visit,” he said.

Spaulding was the only candidate to sign up for office during the three-day qualifying period that began on Monday morning and concluded with the close of business at the Polk County Elections Office in Cedartown. A date for his swearing in hasn’t been set yet, but he could take over the remaining time left in the seat that began in 2024.

Now that Spaulding is the only one to seek the office, the City of Aragon will no longer be required to hold their special election to fill the seat left open by the untimely death of Council member Donnie Canada in December.

Canada was also a longtime public servant prior to his tenure on the council, having retired from a career in law enforcement after having also served as an EMT.

This year’s special election ballot for March now only contains two issues: a City of Cedartown-only vote on tax districts, and a countywide ballot measure proposed by the school board for property tax collections to pay for bonds they want to sell for various school-related building projects.

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