Youth in Polk County won big over the weekend in a variety of areas as part of the annual District Project Achievement event held at Georgia Highlands College in Floyd County on Saturday.

The Cloverleaf program participants made up of fifth and sixth graders from around Polk took 17 youth up to Six Mile for the annual event to show off their work in several fields ranging from public speaking to robotics during the February 1 event.

Among those bringing home first place awards including Hannah Brown, Adalyn Cleveland, Jaylei Gable, Hudson George, Ava Govern, and Payson Williams.

Second place winners included Phoenix Fawcett, Ella Ramzanali, Dixie Wilson and Carolina Wilson, along with Cohen Chastain and Noah Ramzanali in third place spots.

Colton Bell, Josie Frady, Ward Graves, Jesus Juarez and Albert Lopez brought back fourth place finishes for their projects.

Adult volunteers who provided help during the Saturday event included Dalton Ely, Anna Prince, Grace Prince, Shawna Rocha and Shannon Ridgeway. Teen leaders who also helped were Eliza Saunders, Molly Purcell, Callie Ensley and Ilya Fawcett.

The 4-H program is part of the County Extension Office’s purview and is organized by Dora Williams, program assistant and Gibson Priest, the County Extension Agent. For more information about the Polk County 4-H Program, contact us at 770-749-2142 or e-mail us at

Here’s the full list from 4-H of project award winners and their area of study:

1st Place:

Hannah Brown-Public Speaking-Rockmart Middle School

Adalyn Cleveland-Human Development-Cedartown Middle School

Jaylei Gable-Wildlife-Cedartown Middle School

Hudson George-Robotics-Eastside Elementary School

Ava Govern-Performing Arts General-Cedartown Middle School

Payson Williams-Geology-Cedartown Middle School

2nd Place

Phoenix Fawcett-Horse-Vanwert Elementary School

Ella Ramzanali-Cat Care-Rockmart Middle School

Dixie Wilson-Performing Arts General-Cedartown Middle School

Carolina Wilson-Performing Arts Vocal-Westside Elementary School

3rd Place:

Cohen Chastain-Beef-Eastside Elementary School

Noah Ramzanali-Engineering & Mechanics-Vanwert Elementary School

4th Place

Colton Bell-Sports Individual-Homeschool

Josie Frady-Performing Arts General-Young’s Grove Elementary School

Ward Graves-Computer Information Technology-Westside Elementary School

Jesus Juarez-Herpetology-Westside Elementary School

Albert Lopez-Poultry & Egg Science-Young’s Grove Elementary School

We would like to congratulate all the Polk County 4-H 5th & 6th graders who competed.

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