Note: The following item was provided by the Polk County Historical Society for posting. – KtE
PCHS PRESIDENT STEPS DOWN It is with much regret that we announce Ms. Claire Gammon, who has been President of the Historical Society since 2020, has resigned her position due to recent health issues.
Previous to her tenure as President, Ms. Gammon served as Vice President and has been a great asset to our organization. PCHS has, in the past two years, been reorganized under her direction with renewed by-laws & contracts, non-profit filings, and important additions to committees and the Board.
She lead an initiative to connect PCHS’s tourism resources to other organizations and entities in Polk County and NW Georgia. Her work in the Hawkes Genealogical Research Library, along with Library Curator, Jane Thompson, is responsible for its remarkable progress.
She remains a valued member, and we wish her better days, a smooth road to recovery, and hope that she’ll rejoin us in the future. Dr. Sherri Garrett, PCHS Vice President, is acting as interim President and will preside at upcoming Member meetings.
THROUGHOUT FEBRUARY National & Local Black History exhibits, digital display featuring the Alumni of Elm Street schools in Rockmart & Cedar Hill schools in Cedartown, Sarah Murphy video, list of our Research Library resources, and a self-guided museum tour are among the highlights of this month-long celebration!
GEORGIA MADE – NEELY YOUNG Join us on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 6:00 PM for our regularly scheduled Member Meeting. Our speaker is Neely Young, who will be presenting his new book, Georgia Made: The Most Important Figures Who Shaped the State in the Twentieth Century. PCHS has copies for sale ($22) in the Gift Shop. PCHS Book Club has chosen Georgia Made for our meeting on April 16th. Our reading schedule is listed on the back page. Open House ~ Free Admission The Museum will be open on Sunday, February 6, 2022 from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Super Museum Sunday is part of the annual Georgia History Festival, the statewide K-12 educational event sponsored by the Georgia Historical Society. PCHS will join over 100 historic sites, house museums, art museums, and other points of interest throughout Georgia opening their doors to the public, FREE of charge, and offering a variety of in-person and virtual experiences that encourage Georgians to experience the history, arts, and cultural opportunities in our own backyard.
WELSHFEST & DAFFODILS The PCHS Events Committee planned to sell 6-8 bulb potted daffodils at the Rockmart WELSHfest in March, and bulbs were purchased for this project. WELSHfest was cancelled, but we will soon have flowers to sell (they are currently growing in an off-site greenhouse). We will send out an email when these are ready to purchase!
WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH March is Women’s History Month and the museum is featuring items from the Federated Women’s Club, various Garden Clubs, and Home Demonstration agents, as well as nurses, entertainers, military personnel, factory workers, and educators.
LITTLE FREE LIBRARY PCHS will soon have a book box outside the museum used to share free books with the community. If you’d like to donate books, you can drop them off at the museum or simply add them to the box once it’s been installed! PCHS will be added to the interactive tourism map at:
FREE FIRST FRIDAY Please let your friends & family know that the museum has FREE admission on the 1st Friday of each month. Upcoming dates: 2/04 & 3/04
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES PCHS welcomes and encourages members to get involved with activities and events. Below is a listing of our Standing Committees and their responsibilities. Program/Social Committee Provides/schedules refreshments at regular monthly membership meetings including the annual picnic. Membership Committee Maintain regular contact with members in association with notification of membership meetings, projects, and special events. Museum/Library Committee Responsible for care and upkeep of the museum and library quarters.
Assists in processing acquisitions, conducting genealogy research, and other related activities as needed. Finance Committee Develops/reviews the finances and budget of the Society to maintain fiscal health. Is actively involved in all fundraisers and reports any budgetary concerns or opportunities to the board for consideration and approval. Special Events/Public Relations Committee Planning and executing Society events, activities, fundraisers, participation in civic events and holidays. Publicity can include phone calls, social media, letters, brochures, and attendance at civic and government groups and organizations. If you’re interested in serving in any leadership role, please contact Patty Rogers: 404-862-1273 or
February 22nd ~ Neely Young, speaker March 29th ~ Selena Tilly, speaker April 26th ~ Harold Campbell, speaker May 31st ~ Rebecca Vaughn, speaker June 28th ~ Lauretta Hannon, speaker
March 19th @ 4:00 PM Members will receive a canvas tote ready to embroider at this meeting. Embroidery supplies provided. We will also share the patterns that have been donated. Arrive early at 3:00 to observe Joy Johnson working on the museum loom! All are invited to join, so please attend!
February 19th @ 4:00 Ghost on Black Mountain by Ann Hite The author will be joining us at the Book Club meeting. All welcome to attend!
April 16th ~ Georgia Made by Neely Young June 18th ~ The House on Tradd Street by Karen White August 20th ~ Rose Code by Kate Quinn October 15th ~ Show Boat by Edna Furber December 17th ~ Stranger in the Lifeboat by Mitch Albom
Keep up with our events by following us on social media and/or by signing up for our MailChimp email newsletter at:
Questions, comments, and suggestions can be sent to Arleigh Ordoyne, Museum Director: Newsletter is published on even months, with email updates as needed in between.