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Community Service

It should be no surprise in the WASPy 1990s lifestyle in the south of which I came of age that I am a fan of Tom Clancy novels. 

In one, where protagonist CIA analyst Jack Ryan has risen by strange and deadly turns of fate to become President of the United States. The novel in which this takes place titled Executive Orders (1996?) might have a lot of parallels to contemporary life, but contained an idea that was obviously copped elsewhere but should be implemented widely in real life. 

The thought? Don’t send drug users to jail, but instead make those convicted of possessions of small amounts of drugs dress in ridiculous outfits proclaiming their crime, and make them do community service. Picking up trash and such. 

The sentiment in the novel is met with resistance, and in real life would face legal and practical challenges too tall to hurdle. The “I’m fine with everyone else having to do it, until I get caught and have to” mentality would be prevalent in contemporary times on that concept, or it would be used as instagram photo opportunities. 

Community service might be compulsory for many crimes, which is useful in some cases. Those forced to do something to give back to others for what I think of as “not worth reporting” crimes are already not great volunteers for the obvious reason they don’t want to do it. Expect the bare minimum of effort as a result. 

Most of the rest of us can’t be bothered to devote time to volunteer efforts, much less give it much attention to the problems that volunteers are trying to solve. A lot of us are just staying busy trying to keep our own lives in order. 

Yet having just become a newly minted member of the Rotary Club here in Polk County (and having been a former Exchange Member in Rome at one point, for a New York minute) I can today add the following to my gripes of late: no one is doing enough. 

I know, there’s some guru or therapist or your pastor tells you that you’re doing just fine, that we’re all doing what we can. Well, based on all the problems that remain here locally I’d say that isn’t exactly true, is it? Kids still go hungry. Drug addiction runs rampant. Littering, not enough foster parents, homelessness, seniors need help, homes are falling apart. A small drop in the bucket of all the things happening at any given moment of the day that I – and you too – turn our heads and pay attention to something else 99% of the time. 

Many of us pray for these problems to be resolved, but resolution isn’t found through requests above. It is found through hard work and dedication to seeing a task through to the end. 

Here’s what I’d like some of you to try this weekend: give back in some way. It’s going to be sunny and a little chilly on Saturday, but it’s a good bet that you don’t have to be outdoors to make a difference. Ask an elderly friend if they need help running errands. Reach out to someone you know is struggling and see if there’s something you can do to help. 

Every year I listen to our graduating valedictorians give speeches about who the class of that particular year is, and what they should work toward in the future. The sentiment usually includes at least something like “Be the change you want to see in the world.” 

It’s true. Nothing is going to change without action. We all talk a big game about knowing what to do if we were put in a position to do it. Stop overthinking it, and just get going. You’re never going to actually know whether or not you have a good idea until you begin to execute your goals. 


If you need help figuring out what’s the best way to go about helping and don’t want to waste your time by trying something on your own, join a civic organization like Rotary. Kiwanis. Exchange. There’s a lot out there, and they all do something positive for the community. 

The clock is running faster than you will ever imagine. Don’t waste what you’ve been given with idle chatter and staying seated on the couch. Otherwise, quit complaining. I’ve got work to do. 

-Kevin the Editor

Today’s forecast

Any day that starts with sunshine is a good day in my book. Temps are expected to get up to 61 on the day, but drop back down to 37 overnight. Much of the same forecast for the days to come, with temps jumping around some and remaining around the upper 50s to the mid 60s. By next Tuesday? The NWS says we might be back up to 70… (Come on Georgia weather, Kevin needs some good weather for his birthday this year…)

Something to Watch this Morning

Legit, if we can get a vaccine for every adult by May in the US of A, that would be a gift to the world unto itself. 

Something to Read this Morning

Because nothing in America can happen without some kind of investigation into wrongdoing: DA looking at Cobb schools’ purchase of pandemic-related gear, that totaled $12 million… (For UV lights and hand washing stations?)

Someone doing good: a church in Oklahoma retired $3.8 million in medical bills for residents of the state, then just wrote it off as if it didn’t happen. So… that covers two people for unexpected surgical procedures?

There was a 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Greece this morning

Some kind of explosion happened at a Dutch COVID-19 testing site already today. 

Eight are dead after government forces shot them in Myanmar during protests. 

Another thing that might go boom? Starship test #3 is coming up today. 

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